Wednesday, April 13, 2011

youer than you | lake ridge va family photographer

"Today you are You, that is truer than true. 
There is no one alive who is youer than you."
- Dr. Suess

So, I'm getting ready to take a photo of the lovely Lilly this past weekend, and she says to me - "I don't have to smile, right?".  "That's right", I tell her. "Unless you want to."... and sometimes she did, smile, and sometimes she didn't, and sometimes she tried and all of it was okay with me.  Really, she was asking if she could be herself for the photos- and that is absolutely what I wanted from her - after all, she's fabulous at it.  

Rebecca, the oldest, had a wall filled with photos of all the people who mean something to her - and it's her favorite thing in her room.  Talk about a girl after my own heart.

Jeff and Kari have wonderful children and it's a great family.  They have one of those homes that you feel like you can kick your shoes off at the front door and curl your feet up under yourself on the sofa and enjoy a day of just hanging out with good people.  Lilly says her family "chillaxes" and it is one her favorite things to do. 

Here are the peeks...



  1. Great job, Lisa! They have such a picturesque front porch; I just love it.

  2. Lisa, I more than love your work! I am contacting you soon!

  3. beautiful! that portrait of big sister takes my breath away!
