Monday, April 4, 2011

the earth laughs in flowers|dc family and child photographer

"the earth laughs in flowers"
e e cummings

On Friday morning I met this family for a photo session at the Tidal Basin in DC.  We are officially in Cherry Blossom Festival time and as this particular family is leaving the area for Texas very soon, they thought it a good idea to incorporate "where" they've spent the past few years in addition to capturing their daughter's one-year-old awesomeness.

We were fighting the elements a bit with some rather frigid "spring" weather, gusty wind  and moisture in the air.  The flowers, however, were still quite beautiful (It's a pretty neat thing to see if you've never been) and nothing could outshine the most important flower of the day - young Violet - who I believe summoned the sun for the last of our shoot. :-)

Here are the peeks...

May you continue to share much joy in your new home and adventures. 

All the best,


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