Monday, April 11, 2011

the highlight of my childhood | northern va, family photographer

"The highlight of my childhood was making my brother laugh so hard
that food came out his nose."
- Garrison Keillor

Well, I don't think I ever made my brother laugh so hard that food came out his nose, but I did make him laugh so hard that he couldn't stand up.  He and my mother were my first audience.  I would create silly characters and they would laugh and laugh - my brother would laugh so hard that he would fall to the floor - which then made my mother laugh even harder.  What better encouragement for a budding entertainer?

My brother, Mike, is one of the best men I know.  I honestly feel that if you don't like him, something is wrong with you.  I know, I'm really fortunate that is how I feel about him - but it also happens to be true. :-)  Decent, hardworking, talented and soulful -he is one of my favorite people.

We had a lovely visit recently with he and his wife, Janet.  They make such a gorgeous family together, I had to share...

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