Tuesday, May 3, 2011

what you do speaks so loud | lifestyle and portrait photographer

"What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Last Friday, I had the pleasure and the honor of observing at an amazing workshop - Listen Beyond Words.  I was there to take photographs of the workshop and do some portraiture of one of the workshop's leaders, Diane Hunter.  Diane partnered with Koelle Simpson on this workshop and I can truly say that even the experience of witnessing this work is transforming - I can only imagine what the visceral experience of participation must have been.  I am determined to find out for myself at my next opportunity. 

This particular workshop was focused around the issues of parenting, but the nature of this work with the horses throws a much wider net and encourages you to make instant adjustments that will result in a much more centered and clarified self.   I understand why some have described this work as "magical", but there are no smoke and mirrors, you can see and experience the practical applications immediately if you are willing.

I have always believed that words were powerful tools but, of late, the lessons that are coming to me include the extreme power of intention and action and of opening myself up to see and receive feedback from all aspects of my life...and then take that glorious leap of faith.  

If this sounds interesting to you, I encourage you to click on the links above to learn more about the work these women are doing.  There is so much "light" around this.



  1. Intention and action - two very powerful forces and when they come together, the results are life changing, right?! Beautiful work, Lisa (inside and out!).

  2. Lisa,

    I volunteered at a horse farm and they did something very similar to this. As a matter of fact, one of the horses, Hollie, helped comfort me after the passing of my mom. When we see each other, remind me to tell you the story, it is unbelieveable! What amazing animals they are. And what amazing photos! Makes me smile!

  3. looks like a great deal of fun. Only wished I were younger and were over there with you. Love you Diane. Hey thanks for the posting.
