Saturday, May 7, 2011

always jump in puddles | washington dc area family photographer

Always jump in the puddles! Always skip alongside the flowers.
~Terri Guilleme

I was so honored when my dear friend, Christine Barker (who is also a fellow photog) asked if I would come up to Baltimore to take family photos this past week.  

Christine has a genuine entrepreneurial spirit and it is accompanied by a huge heart for including and helping other people - I just love this gal.  Her husband, Cary, is mega-smart, a good conversationalist and one of those great hands-on dads.  And then there is Liam - ohhh what a great kid he is - full of imagination, curiosity and energy that often just radiates from his little body.  Her father and brother were also in town visiting from out West and I had a lovely time meeting and talking with them. 

Here are a few peeks from our session. 

There are sooo many more, Christine!  Can't wait for you to see them.
Happy Mother's Day to all tomorrow.


  1. LOVE is too weak of a word for how I feel about these.

  2. Lisa, These are beyond our wildest dreams! You have such a talent girl!!

  3. oh how i LOVE this family! and stunning work, as always, lisa. their personalities come shining through!

  4. OMG! So cute!! Love the last shot. And now I know what Christine's family looks like:)
