Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hodge Podge - Catching Up.

In the area where I live, we have been witness to one of the largest snow storms in years this weekend.  Some areas of the region were said to have experienced "thunder snow" - a very rare occurence indeed. 
"Thunder Snow" - it sounds like the name of a novel doesn't it?  Is it? 

We spent most of yesterday trying to shovel at intervals so that we wouldn't be digging out of the whole "shabang" today.  I have muscles in my back that are not very happy with me - it actually helped to get out again today and do a little more..well, that and a little Advil.  

Here's what our street looks like today -

It is a brilliant, bright and sparkly day today.  Right after lunch, we headed to the local elementary school with a few of our neighbors for sledding...

I realize as I write this that it has been a while since I have posted anything. 

I have begun teaching drama classes at my daughter's school, the first class was this past week, and they have been very well received - both in the number of participants and the exhuberance of the students.  I have students that range in age from 4 to 11/12 and I am really excited to be working with them.  I know that I will be learning as much from them as they will from me.  I'm kinda counting on that.

Finally, I did a newborn photo shoot at the beginning of January.  The purpose of the shoot was for a birth announcement photo and so I held off posting preview pictures so that mom, dad and big sister could get the birth announcements out and have the glory of being the very first to present sweet Meredith to the world.  The announcements are now out, so here are a few photos from the shoot...

I just love the aerial shot of that sweet shape

I also love a good "drama" shot...go figure...

welcome to the world sweet girl!

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